About GIC

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GIC Overview and Staff

GIC Overview

Global Outbreak Intelligence, Capacity Building and Deployment Coordination Center, so-called "GIC", was established in the Disease Control and Prevention Center(DCC) of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine(NCGM) in December 2022, for sufficient preparedness and immediate response against potential threats on infectious disease outbreaks all over the world.

Our missions have two focuses;
1. Capacity building and development for the Japanese experts on infectious disease control to be well-equipped by providing crucial information, knowledge and skills at series of events such as trainings, workshops and symposiums. We ensure they fulfill their duties and roles at the overseas mission.
2. Strengthening Networking and mutual collaboration with related institutions on infectious diseases across the globe by sharing information, accommodating delegations and co-organizing conferences and symposiums.

GIC sees human resource development as an essential key to reducing vulnerability to infectious diseases in and out of the country. We are one of the Japan GOARN partner institutions and promote the deployment of Japanese experts through the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) established by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Staff members

Dr. Norio Ohmagari
Executive Adviser to President
Director, Department of Infectious Diseases
Director, AMR Clinical Reference Center
Director, Disease Control and Prevention Center
Dr. Mugen Ujiie
Director, Global Outbreak Intelligence, Capacity Building and Deployment Coordination Centre
Chief, Travel Clinic
Director, Vaccination Support Center
Senior Researcher, AMR Clinical Reference Center
Dr. Masahiro Ishikane
Medical Doctor, Disease Control and Prevention Center
Senior Researcher, AMR Clinical Reference Center
Dr. Hidetoshi Nomoto
Medical Doctor, Disease Control and Prevention Center
Dr. Yukimasa Matsuzawa
Deputy Director, Global Outbreak Intelligence, Capacity Building and Deployment Coordination Center (GIC)
Medical Doctor
Ms. Kanae Takagi
Specially Appointed Researcher, Global Outbreak Intelligence, Capacity Building and Deployment Coordination Center (GIC)
Ms. Ayako Higashijima
Specially Appointed Researcher, Global Outbreak Intelligence, Capacity Building and Deployment Coordination Center (GIC)
Ms. Mari Iguchi
Specially Appointed Researcher, Global Outbreak Intelligence, Capacity Building and Deployment Coordination Center (GIC)
Ms. Aki Takai
Specially Appointed Researcher, Global Outbreak Intelligence, Capacity Building and Deployment Coordination Center (GIC)
Dr. Rena Yamaji
Specially Appointed Researcher, Global Outbreak Intelligence, Capacity Building and Deployment Coordination Center (GIC), Medical Doctor
Ms. Tomomi Hamano
Administrative Assistant, Global Outbreak Intelligence, Capacity Building and Deployment Coordination Center (GIC)
Ms. Aki Shimoda
Administrative Section Manager, Disease Control and Prevention Center (DCC)
Ms. Shizuka Tominaga
Administrative Section Staff, Disease Control and Prevention Center (DCC)